maanantai 10. toukokuuta 2010


My powermetallish posts continues (there's cool fantasy metal waiting!!).

Versailles. How do I start. I have been dissing this band just for their look. I still don't like the vocals much. It is just wrong style to be my cup of tea Second is their look. V-kei band look makes me usually skip the music because of so many dissapointments. For me music wins look/image of the band.

Versailles is musically quite good. Basic powermetal with some neoclassical melodies, twin leads and good production. Sometimes I get X-Japanish vibes too but that might be almost impossible for any Japanese bands in this genre.

I need to hear Versailles more even they are not getting into my top favourites.

If V-kei is something you like this is also musically good so definitely worth checking.

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