perjantai 9. huhtikuuta 2010


A Jump from Janne Da Arc to Loundess is quite big but I remember reading somewhere that their drummer idol was Munetaka Higuchi.

I have to say that I haven't listen so much Loudness. Their Hard Rock era must be what they are famous for and it has great moments there. But I really do like the band sound on the newer CD's and especially its heaviness. I wish to hear it once live. I'm sure its music that you can feel.

Takasaki is considered as one of the guitar heroes of Japan but I'm not so into his shredding even it suits perfectlt to their sound. Rythm sound and clear playing is what makes me to listen Loudness. Btw It took some time to find non hardrock Loudness video from youtube.

And please notice cool shirt Takasaki is wearing made by Peacemaker.

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